Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tori is Two too!!

So, Anabelle's cousin, Tori, celebrated her birthday this past Friday. As we got ready for the party we told Anabelle that Tori was now six years-old. This bothered Anabelle, a lot, a whole lot. She kept saying "no, no, no, Tori two. Not six." She repeated this several times and since we would not agree with her she burst into tears. We finally appeased her by telling her that we would settle the question of Tori's age by asking Tori herself how old she was when we got to her party. Once at the party she was having too much fun eating cake, dancing to High School Musical karaoke and playing dress-up with Tori's old ballerina outfit.
Tori and all her guest had a blast singing to HM and Anabelle was quite the disco queen (she gets that from her mom).

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