Sunday, August 30, 2009

להתראות ישראל (see you later Israel)

So we returned from our year in Israel about 2 months ago, but today when I was thinking about doing a new post, I noticed I'd started this one a while back and never finished/posted it. Anyway, though it's kind of past its date, here I go...

Being in Israel was an amazing experience and we recommend it to anyone. We learned so much and grew so close as a family. We also gained such a broader appreciation for other cultures and a better view of who we are and who we want to be. Anyway, here are some photos from the last few weeks there....

Anabelle had a blast there with friends from church:

And friends from the Weizmann:

Occasionally we'd join some friends from the Weizmann for Bible study. Before leaving, they had us over for dinner and one last reading from Deuteronomy:

Before we left, Anabelle made sure to check out the science museum in Jerusalem:

And Maria said bye to close friends who were also moving back to the states:

We made sure to take one last breakfast at the cafe down the street from our apartment... Anabelle made sure to enjoy the "American Breakfast" one more time (pancakes with fruit, ice cream and chocolate syrup):

We were so grateful for so many good friends who took us in while in Israel