Saturday, October 4, 2008

The wheels on the bus go...

As you may imagine, there are not a lot of LDS members (or mormons) in Israel. So, unlike in the U.S., there are only a few congregations spread throughout the country. We are very lucky, in that there is a "branch" or small congregation, just twenty minutes North of us. The bad news, however, is that because our Church keeps the Sabbath on Saturday here (partly out of respect, partly because it is more practical) we thought we had no way of getting to Church (all public transportation is down on Saturdays). The first Saturday we rented a car the day before and drove to church. This, however, was not something we could do every weekend, since it cost $50 per day (minimum two days)to rent a compact size car!!!! Luckily once we got to church and got to know some of the members, we found out about the church's "sherut."

These little buses usually operate as scheduled during the week, but because there is no public transportation during the day Saturday, they can be rented by a group to operate on a "custom-made" route. So... now we have our own personal little bus!
This is us waiting at the bus stop.

We are actually not the only ones who ride it, there are a few other members (most of them Russian speaking) who are picked up along the way (we are the furthest out and so we are usually the first ones on the bus). Here we have two of our beautiful Russian sisters.

Things have seemed to work out so well for us here, it is hard to believe that it is all just coincidence. We are so grateful for the small things that remind us that we are not alone here, and some ONE is ever mindful.

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