Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sorry about the earthquake, LA...

Those who have been paying attention to the news will remember that ~ a week and a half ago there was an earthquake in Los Angles... I just want to tell you how it happened. It all started that morning when my alarm clock slept in (she didn't go off until 8:30). When we all woke up we threw all of our stuff together for a quick trip to Los Angeles to apply for student visas at the Israeli consulate. Of course, the drive took longer than google maps said (for some reason traffic isn't as bad in San Diego when compared with Los Angeles... either that or I just never drive since I live within walking distance of my lab). We pulled into the parking garage for the consulate 15 minutes before they close (noon), and went through the first two security check points just in time. As we were standing outside the last security checkpoint room (they only let one person/family in the room at a time), Maria looked at me and asked "NATE! DID YOU GET ANY CASH TO PAY FOR OUR VISAS?!!" (they only accept cash)... of course, I'm constantly thinking of computational modeling of brain energy metabolism, neurological disorders, and gene expression in E. coli, so I could only say "No... CRAP!!" Maria was about to run out the building when I stopped her and said "let's at least try to give them our paper work and see if they'll let us mail the money." Just then the gaurd in the last security checkpoint room opened the door and motioned for us to enter. As we stepped in, I couldn't help but notice the thick door, and all sorts of baggage/people scanners. The security guard took our bags and started to search them when the entire room started moving. The guard calmly started talking into his radio as if it was totally normal for the 17th story room to be moving, and since my hebrew is still pretty bad... well, I thought "Man! this is pretty high security... they even have a security room that is separated from the consulate's office, but will move to connect with the office!" well, I was wrong... it was an earthquake and the guard escorted us out of the building. While outside, I took immediate advantage of the situation and ran to an ATM. We got back just as they were escorting everyone back into the consulate. As we stood there I said, "I feel bad... if I'd just remembered to grab some cash before we came in, the man upstairs wouldn't have had to cause that earthquake so we could get our visas!"

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

How fun! I was snooping around and found you on Emmy's blog! How is the packing going? Do you need anything? Let me know if I can help!