Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

So I was helping anabelle make her valentines to pass out in school. They were little paper jars that said "I want you to be my Love Bug!" and we taped little plastic bugs on them. Then, jealous of how when I was little all of my valentines were the cheap cardboard Garfield ones my mom would pick up at the store, I mentioned "I wish I could make cool valentines too..." and then I asked anabelle what she thinks I would put on mine. She immediately said "E. coli!"

I laughed... and then said... "no... I'd do H. pylori" (the bacterium responsible for gastric ulcers)

Anyway, I made it real quick... enjoy, and happy Valentines day!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love that she said e. coli but you convinced her to go with h. pylori with a witty comment. That's awesome.