Monday, April 14, 2008

Picky, picky, picky... that's my girl!

Anabelle has a lot of little friends around our neighborhood. She was playing at the park today with one of them. His name is Cameron. They had a lot of fun and when we started heading home, Cameron and his parents walked home with us. As we parted ways to head inside Anabelle decided she wanted to give Cameron a goodbye kiss. She turned around and headed back towards Cameron and was inches away, lips puckered up, when she stopped dead in her tracks, made a face, and turned back around with an indignant exclamation, "boogers, boogers, yucky." Needless to say, Cameron did not get a goodbye kiss. We couldn't help but laugh and secretly cheer her on, "You go girl!" You have to admire a girl who knows where to draw the line with a guy. Now, if we could only get all her future smooching prospects to catch a cold... hmmmm?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Do you think Anabelle likes dancing?

We took this video at Tori's b-day party last month, but I'd forgotten about it... it's probably a little long for anyone but ourselves, though...


I published a post a few weeks ago that had Anabelle walking like a penguin. Well, Anabelle loves penguins.

(side note... Maria took this photo recently at Sea World... is it just me, or does it look like one of these penguins is trying to discretely knock the other one off the edge and into the water)

How to use an umbrella in San Diego

Along with always being warm, San Diego is also very dry. It only rains a handfull of times each year here. However, that doesn't stop Anabelle from making the most of her new Ariel umbrella. Rain or shine, if she sees it before leaving the house, she'll be sure to pop it open once she steps outside.